
文京区、豊島区、新宿区の生徒が通う個別指導塾 笑顔の学習塾

英語を習得する理想的な方法は FROM VOA 4/6


The twenty-one adults in the experiment learned Brocanto2, a thirteen-word language created for the study. The words and grammar rules relate to a computer game similar to chess that the learners played. For example, “Blom neimo lu neep li praz” means “The square blom-piece switches with the neep-piece.”

The researchers tested the people three to six months after they had learned the language, to see how well they could remember it. The study found that those who had learned it with the immersion method had brain waves similar to those of native speakers of a language when speaking that language.


その実験で、21人の成人が、 Brocanto2 を学習しました。この研究のために13語の単語を作り出しました。その単語と文法の法則は、(この言語を学ぶ)人が(よく)遊んでいるチェスに似た、コンピューターゲームに関係しています。たとえば、Blom neimo lu neep li praz は、The square blom-piece switches with the neep-piece (The square blom-piece は、 the neep-piece に交換する)を、意味します。



